Internationalisation fortnight

Internationalisation fortnight

In this internationalization fortnight organized annually by the Mondragon Goi Eskola Politeknikoa, a series of activities aimed at raising awareness among students about training and employment opportunities abroad are presented. The fortnight has the collaboration of several company representatives who transmit to the students the importance of being predisposed to move abroad to tackle business challenges: to open a new subsidiary, to undertake collaborative projects with suppliers or to start up new strategic projects with foreign clients, among others. Bringing the needs of companies to the classroom is essential for young talent to know the real expectations of organizations.

In this fortnight, conferences and round tables are also organized to encourage the participation of students in mobility programs, both to study and to do the final project of studies in foreign countries. These meeting spaces for people interested in going abroad, foreign students currently studying at the University of Mondragon and young people who are currently having a mobility experience, represent very interesting spaces for exchanging experiences and opportunities for the future.

What should I know before studying abroad? What will I find?

What does a stay abroad provide? Are there differences between countries?

Operational issues: Housing, environment, climate, culture, free time, sport, friends, etc.


A fortnight focused on internationalization and aimed at clarifying many of the questions that young people ask themselves when faced with the opportunity to go abroad. A fortnight that promotes the integral formation of young people and aligns them with the needs of the industrial fabric.




  • Information of foreign universities at your fingertips.
  • Presentation. “Studies abroad”.
  • Learn more about other cultures. Customs, music, cuisine.
  • Round table. Outgoings, incomings.
  • Presentation. “Staff mobility”.
  • Exhibit. “Herri Kirolak” rural sports for foreign students.


Quincena de Internacionalización

Quincena de Internacionalización


Quincena de Internacionalización

Quincena de Internacionalización